Title: Starry Night Pianist
Technique: Oil and Airbrush on canvas
Size: 89 cm x 1.54 meters
Technique: Oil and Airbrush on canvas
Size: 89 cm x 1.54 meters
The Patricio Jijón Starry Night Pianist Painting explores the concept of string theory, which postulates that the universe is composed of tiny strings that vibrate at varying frequencies. The organic quantum creature playing the piano on the Ecuadorian line embodies this idea, as it appears to be vibrating with the energy of the strings, highlighting the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. The artwork provides a striking representation of the quantum nature of the universe, and the integral role that vibrations play in shaping the fabric of spacetime.
The piano strings themselves, in the context of quantum spacetime, are rooted in the landscape of the Ecuadorian Mountains, connecting the musician, the music, and the universe in a fundamental way. As the musician plays, the strings vibrate and create sound, changing the landscape, rhythm, and tempo of the world around them. These vibrations emphasize the interconnectedness of all things, highlighting the relationship between the musician and the universe.
The musician's lungs, depicted as trees, symbolize the integral role that living beings play in the cosmos, as well as their interconnectedness. In this context, the musician's head is spinning in multiple universes, creating a root on the top of his head that represents the quantum nature of our existence as creators of the universe. Our minds and actions constantly shape and change the universe around us.
The human puppets on the piano controllers represent the role of human consciousness in the infinite potential for creation and growth, as every decision we make has the power to create a new universe. The musician and the piano, in the context of quantum spacetime, float with the music, demonstrating the magnetic force and quantum gravity that underlies the fundamental structure of the universe.
Jijón's Starry Night Pianist Painting is a magnificent example of how art can be used to delve into the intricacies of scientific theories such as string theory and quantum spacetime. The painting's rich colors, intricate details, and meaningful symbolism compel the audience to ponder their place in the universe and the interconnectedness of all things. Through this artwork, Jijón reminds us that our actions and decisions are constantly shaping the universe around us in a quantum way.

Jijón, arrived in New York City with nothing but a backpack and a burning desire to create. Sharing a cramped apartment with his best friend Chris Farr and his ex-wife Stephanie García, Jijón quickly realized that he had no dedicated space to pursue his artistic ambitions. But rather than let this discourage him, he instead embraced the challenge, determined to prove that the force of creation is far more powerful than any physical limitations. With this in mind, Jijón set out to create wherever and whenever he could, using portable canvas rolls and any available surface as his canvas.
One of his earliest works, a vibrant and striking painting Starry Night Pianist, was painted on the bathroom wall of his small apartment.
From there, he branched out, transforming narrow corridors, cramped friends' patios, and even abandoned buildings into temporary art studios.
Jijón's early work in New York is a testament to the power of creativity and determination. Despite facing numerous obstacles, he refused to be held back by the limitations of his physical environment, instead using every available opportunity to hone his craft and create something beautiful. In doing so, he demonstrated that true artistry transcends space and place, and can flourish anywhere there is a will to create.